hey there!

Here's the story of how I became such a big part of my couples' big days!

Hey, I’m Aleks – a passionate and energetic Brunswick (Melbourne) based wedding celebrant, DJ and MC!

I’ve always LOVED music. I grew up listening to a wide variety of genres and artists, which has really helped me in my DJ career. And I’ve been to tons of gigs and festivals over the years too.

I work really closely with my couples and tailor my sets to them and the guests dancing in front of me. You can have a listen to my DJ mixes, including real live wedding set recordings!

And why have I added celebrancy onto my services? Well, I’ve always loved writing and getting to know people’s stories. Before working in weddings full time, I enjoyed a long career in marketing and communications, which involved LOTS of writing and story-telling.

Through me and my partner’s wedding DJ business, One More Song, I’ve been able to live out my passion of music and getting to know our awesome couples. Now as a celebrant, I get to tell your story, have you legally married, get the party started and keep going right through to final song. Pretty cool, huh?


Fun facts about me!

Aleks Mac is not my real name. 😛

It’s my “stage name”. My real last name is Czerwinski. Apart from it being too hard for anyone to spell/pronounce, there are two cool reasons I chose “Mac”:

  • My partner is Eddy Mac, and we run our DJ biz together, so it made sense we were aligned!
  • As a pre-teen, I was obsessed with the 90s Nickelodeon character Alex Mack!

I’m a cat person. 😻

Although I love all animals, I’m definitely a cat person. I love the fact that you have to earn their love. #respect.

I have an adorable spoilt princess kitty named Khaleesi, who’s a rescue. She’s the best.

When I was at uni, I spilled red wine on a bride. 🍷

In my first year of uni, I worked as a waitress on a boat in Sydney Harbour that hosted weddings. The bride ordered three bourbon and Cokes and two red wines. The boat was rocking a bit and my tray slipped. Her Italian aunties wanted to kill me. Lucky I’m a DJ and celebrant these days!

The one good thing to come out of it is I learned how to deal with red wine spillage – dab on soda water, pronto!

My fave song is Shooting Stars. 💫

I obviously love SO many tunes, but Bag Raiders’ Shooting Stars is my fave. Did you know that the chorus only plays ONCE during the whole song? I love the huge build up. It’s the perfectly structured tune.

I roller skate for fun. 🌈

I had always wanted to roller skate and spent a lot of time ice skating in my youth, so in 2023, I bought a pair of skates and got going. One of my previous brides, Claire, did the same and we started skating together once a week, followed by drinks and snacks in Fitzroy. We’re super close friends now and love our skate dates!

DJ Eddy Mac and Aleks Mac Photographed by Maegan Brown

Where it all started!

Here I am with my partner in life and business, Eddy Mac! We run our wedding DJ business One More Song together and co-host a fun wedding podcast, Project Engaged!

Eddy taught me how to DJ (what a patient man!) and with our combined sales and marketing (and wedding) experience, we started One More Song back in 2017.

We work really well together and count ourselves so lucky to do what we do!

DJ Aleks Mac at Yering Station Wedding Photographed by Gold and Grit

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